
Spanish Government Bans Entry of British Nationals.

When the “British strain” of the coronavirus was first detected, the immediate reaction of the Spanish government was to ban all British nationals from arriving in Spain, unless you had proof that you are legally residing in Spain (this includes the Canary Islands).

This new legislation was first brought into effect on December 23rd 2020 as you can see HERE.

Original Tweet:

With no clear end in sight for this travel ban, the Spanish government have extended the ban until 5pm on February 2nd 2021. This is due to the situation in the UK worsening and with over 70 cases of the “British strain” being detected here in Spain.

The only way you can now enter Spain from the UK is if you are a resident returning to your home, the proof you need to pass border control is by presenting your green registro, the a4 paper size or the smaller card-sized registro, or by presenting the newer TIE photo ID card.