
Reinforced Measures for Alert Level Two.

The increase in transmission rates in Gran Canaria and Tenerife have forced the Canary Islands Government to re-evaluate level two restrictions without moving the islands to level three.

Currently, it's reported that the new restrictions will only affect Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura and NOT Lanzarote, who has only just moved to level two. 

These reinforced measures will be adopted to maintain the perimeter of the islands from closing down during Easter and avoiding full level three restrictions, let's say it makes it level two and a half. 

The new level two and a half measures look like they will include the following: 

  • Public curfew from 10pm to 6am.
  • Group restrictions, maximum of 4.
  • Capacity, 50% terraces and 33% indoors. 


The minister of health, Blas Trujillo, adds that inter-island travel will be allowed, will not force the closure of the interiors of hotels and gyms and it will not affect regional or island federated sports practice, which at level three they would be suspended. 

"The three islands are at Level 2 but they are moving in the wrong direction,” said Trujillo, who explained that Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura exceed a cumulative incidence (IA7) of 60 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

The new restrictions will come into force on Monday at 00:00 and are expected to remain in place for 15 days with a weekly review.