Yesterday the Canarian Government published in the ‘Boletín Oficial de Canarias’ (BOC) the new measures introduced for level 3 restrictions which began at midnight. There are slight modifications to what was announced on Friday.
The highlight item to the slight modifications is the prohibition of the sale of alcohol in stores, supermarkets, minimarkets etc has been altered to 10pm and not the 8pm as was announced previously.
The rest of the modifications are as follows:
In section 1.7 "General measures for the workplace": the provision of services will preferably be carried out remotely, unless the nature of the job does not allow it, trying to establish a shift system that limits contact as much as possible between workers. The consumption of food indoors will be avoided as far as possible.
In section 2.1.9: in regular land, urban and metropolitan public transport, the capacity is reduced to 33% and the busiest lines will be monitored.
In section 3.6: in shopping centres and parks a maximum of 25% of the authorized capacity is permitted, both inside the establishments and in the common areas. No waiting around in groups is allowed, unless queuing or waiting to access the establishments. In the case of shops or premises distributed over several floors, this limitation must be met in each of them.
In section 3.21 " Public shows": cultural, recreational, and leisure activities, including sports, that take place sporadically and in places other than the establishments used for the regular exercise of said activity are prohibited, and where appropriate, those held in demountable or open-air facilities, with a number of attendees greater than 750 people. When the number of attendees is less than 750 people, the postponement of the aforementioned activities is recommended.
In section 3.24: Closure of campsites, shelters, non-social shelters and overnight camps.
In section 4.5 "Consumption of alcoholic beverages on public roads, parks or outdoor recreation areas": the sale of alcoholic beverages is prohibited after 10:00pm in retail stores (sales stores such as supermarkets, 24-hour minimarkets, petrol stations, among others).
To section 4.6 is added "Public spaces susceptible to crowds and the celebration of ‘botellons’ (groups meeting and drinking in public): Closure at night by 10:00pm, of parks, beaches and other public spaces in which the meeting and drinking are foreseeable, or in which agglomerations may occur.
To section 4.7 "Musical performances" is added: prohibition indoors of performances of choirs, bands, orchestras or other musical or singing groups in which the continuous use of the mask and the interpersonal safety distance of two metres cannot be maintained between the performers and the audience permanently.
Performances may take place outdoors, as long as this distance between each of the performers, and between them and the public/audience is guaranteed at all times with a designated performance area.
In regards to the proposed curfew from 00:30 to 06:00, there still has been no permission given from the Supreme Court, with the president of the Canary Islands defending the proposal, who said, that this will actively help ‘bend the curve’ of infections without affecting businesses economically as they have a closing time of midnight.