
In a Twist, Tenerife is to Have its Alert Level Lowered, but with Carnival Restrictions First.

It was declared yesterday by the Canarian Government that Tenerife would be the only island to change its alert level, with all other islands remaining the same.

Therefore from today, all islands are as follows:

  • Level 1: Tenerife, La Palma &LaGomera. 
  • Level 2: Fuertaventura & El Hierro
  • Level 3: Gran Canaria
  • Level 4: Lanzarote


In normal circumstances, we would follow the rules of level 1 which would include tables of up to 10 people in bars & restaurants, and a relaxed curfew beginning at 1am. 

However, due to what is known as "Carnival Period" which usually encompasses many parties and family gatherings. The government has put in place for ten days between January 12th and ending at midnight on January 22nd, a set of extra restrictions to prevent further contagion of the virus during this festival period. 

As posted previously, the scientific committee here had alerted the government that social activities during the carnival period could lead to further increases in the virus as people flaunt the rules to come together. Therefore the government has taken this into consideration whilst also lowering our alert level here. 

I am very pleased with how well the island has come along with respect to the pandemic, especially after what was a very strange Christmas and New Year period where the rules were changing almost weekly. Therefore it is very understandable that the government is taking precautionary steps to prevent the spread of the virus. 

I will post these restrictions for the "carnival period" shortly and at a later date a full list of restrictions for alert level 1.