Although our island is synominous with being the 'eternal spring' from time to time we do actually have bad weather in Tenerife and it can get rather wild and dangerous, here are some tips to prepare for the bad weather, from horrid calimas to fantastic storms.
Strong Winds
In my experience I would say the most frequent bad weather phenomenon in Tenerife is WIND here is some advice for staying safe in wind.
· Avoid walking where there is a chance of trees falling, e.g, gardens and woodlands.
· Avoid structures which may be blown over by wind, e.g, old structures, scaffolding, billboards...
· Notify 112 if you see electrical at risk of blowing over.
· Notify 112 if you see building cranes at risk of blowing over.
· Avoid the shoreline where the risk of large waves pulling you into the sea.
· Take caution when driving, rocks, trees and a myriad of other objects may have been blow into the road.
· Call emergency services on 112 if in danger.
· For information requests call 012.
Preventative Measures:
· Close doors to prevent winds passing through your house which could cause breakages.
· Remove objects from balconies that could fall into the street, e.g, plant pots.
· Check the facade of your building for anything that may come loose and cause damage.
· Avoid activities such as hiking or walking in the mountains until normal weather returns.
· Be weary of cross winds when you are planning to travel and try to avoid the use of high-sided vehicles and motorbikes which are more prone to being blown over in cross winds. The use of public transport is recommended.
Heavey Rain
· Before winter comes please check the condition of roofs and drains, etc.
· If you live next to a barranco inform the authorities if it is full of debris.
· Never camp in barrancos and other areas likely to flood.
· Stay at home wherever possible except if your house is in a place of risk, such as a barranco.
· If you must go out stick to main roads or motorways and avoid secondary tracks. Always abandon your vehicle if it begins to fill with water.
· Do not cross bridges have become under water due to flooding.
· If for some reason you need to pass through flood waters use a rope and fix it to secure object and tie round your waist.
· If your home becomes flooded try to avoid toxic/flammable substances coming into contact with the water
· Avoid the use of lifts because at any moment the electricity could fail.
· If it is neccessary, disconnect the mains electricty.
· Be prepared to abandon your property and seek higher ground.
· If you become stuck on the roof of your property, wait for the emergency services to rescue you. Don't overestimate your abilities and abandon your property as currents can drag you down.
· Only return to your home when authorities say it is safe to do so.
· If you have gas in your house please wait to light any matches, lighters, or anything that can give of a spark, until you are sure it is safe to do so.
· Drink only bottled water.
· Remember the number for emergency services here is 112