If you feel like you have been exposed to Coronavirus or have been infected please call the hotline (+34) 900 112 061 or visit the online test HERE. Its best to avoid contact with other people and stay away from medical centres, unless you have an appointment.
February 1st
Since January 25th there sadly have been 17 more deaths and 453 less active cases, hospital occupancy is still increasing with 423 people now in hospital, an increase of 29, and people in ICU is up to 69.
Now as Gran Canaria overtakes Tenerife to be the most infected island with 3,539 active cases, it still remains at alert level 3 and Lanzarote in Alert Level 4.
Data Correct as 1st February
·Active Cases (All Islands): 7,965
·Active in Tenerife: 3,197
·Hospital Occupancy: 423 (69 in ICU)
·Deaths: 527
·Recoveries: 27,204
January 25th
Since January 21st there sadly have been 21 more deaths and an increase of 206 more cases, unfortunately hospital occupancy has increased by 19 and people in ICU are up to 64.
The virus is steadily slowing down in our island thanks to the extra restrictions we all lived with over the christmas period, however the situation in Gran Canaria and Lanzarote is not looking good, with Lanzarote now moving up into Level 4 where bars, cafes, restaurants need to close by 6pm.
Data Correct as 25th Jan
·Active Cases (All Islands): 8,418
·Active in Tenerife: 4,259
·Hospital Occupancy: 394 (64 in ICU)
·Deaths: 510
·Recoveries: 24,822
January 21st
Since yesterday there sadly have been 3 more deaths and an increase of 35 more cases, but hospital occupancy has decreased by 12 and people in ICU are down to 52.
Within 24 hours it looks to be that the virus is slowing down, but let's see what happens now with Lanzarote and Gran Canaria in 'Red' alert.
Data Correct as 21st Jan
·Active Cases (All Islands): 8,212
·Active in Tenerife: 4,394
·Hospital Occupancy: 375 (52 in ICU)
·Deaths: 489
·Recoveries: 23,912
January 20th
In two days we have recorded 12 more deaths, but only 14 more active cases and hospital occupancy has increased by 23 with 56 in ICU.
It looks like the pandemic is taking a grip over Gran Canaria mostly as our active cases in Tenerife are slowly going down.
Data Correct as 20th Jan
·Active Cases (All Islands): 8,177
·Active in Tenerife: 4,499
·Hospital Occupancy: 387 (56 in ICU)
·Deaths: 486
·Recoveries: 23,618
January 18th
Since January 13th we have had 20 more deaths, only 425 more active cases and hospital occupancy has decreased by 19 with 60 still in ICU.
The Canary Government reduced our level to amber and increased Gran Canarias and Lanzarote to red.
Data Correct as 18th Jan
·Active Cases (All Islands): 8,163
·Active in Tenerife: 4,720
·Hospital Occupancy: 364 (60 in ICU)
·Deaths: 474
·Recoveries: 23,035
January 13th
Since January 11th we have had 6 more deaths, only 25 more active cases and hospital occupancy has increased by 2 with 2 more in ICU.
Finally it looks like the situation here in Tenerife is stabilising, and the Island looks set to potentially reduce its level to Amber.
Data Correct as 11th Jan
·Active Cases (All Islands): 7,699
·Active in Tenerife: 5,012
·Hospital Occupancy: 383 (60 in ICU)
·Deaths: 454
·Recoveries: 22,068
January 11th
Since January 8th we have had 4 more deaths, 463 more active cases and hospital occupancy has increased by 11 with 6 more in ICU.
Data Correct as 11th Jan
·Active Cases (All Islands): 7,674
·Active in Tenerife: 5,252
·Hospital Occupancy: 381 (58 in ICU)
·Deaths: 448
·Recoveries: 21,483
January 8th
After grim figures we saw over the festive period and into the new year the situation has not gotten any better and now we find ourselves with over 7,000 active cases across the Canary Islands, something we have not seen since early October.
Data Correct as 8th Jan
·Active Cases (All Islands): 7,211
·Active in Tenerife: 5,186
·Hospital Occupancy: 370 (52 in ICU)
·Deaths: 444
·Recoveries: 21,154
I hope to update this page frequently so please check back for more updates.