
Airports in Tenerife recover 6 out of 10 passengers lost to the pandemic.

Compared with figures from 2019 for July the North airport has amassed 60% flow and the South airport has only 40% of traffic flow.

On average the airports in Tenerife have an average of 60% of passengers they lost during the worst moments of the pandemic. With AENA using 2019 as a reference year, as this was before the health crisis, noticeable differences can be seen between the two airports in Tenerife. Therefore, the North airport reached an operating volume of 79.1% while the South airport only reached 41% with an average roughly being 60%.

The difference between the two airports comes down to technical, infrastructural and logistical characteristics. The north airport primarily supporting national flights and inter-island flights whilst the south airport is used for more international arrivals and holidaymakers. The resulting average only goes to increase the national average and is comparable to that of Gran Canaria which has achieved 62% recovery. 

Tenerife south airport had received 366,857 passengers throughout July, which when compared to July 2020 shows a spectacular increase of 103.4%. This figure encourages the hope that the island is on its way to making a recovery. However, when compared to 2019’s figures, there has been a 58.9% drop in passengers. Further to this only on July 19 were British tourists finally allowed to travel (the largest tourist group), therefore the figures from August, when released, should paint a rosier picture. 

At a national level, the airports across Spain in the AENA network had made a recovery of 50% in July when compared with pre-pandemic 2019, with a total of 15.1 million passengers, which follows the growth trend from May of this year.